While a sequel to Dabangg is being planned in Bollywood, down in the South Indian film industry, the 2010 Hindi blockbuster is being remade in Tamil and Telegu. The Telegu version will star Pawan Kalyan and the Tamil one Silambarasan a.k.a. Simbu. Even though the lead actors are South Indian, they want a Bollywood female lead for the role essayed by Sonakshi Sinha in the original Hindi film.
Initially, Sinha was sent the script for the Tamil version of Dabangg. But she refused the script. After which, rumors were doing the rounds about Katrina Kaif being cast as she has done some South Indian films. At last, the role has been offered to Anil Kapoor’s daughter Sonam Kapoor.
By the way, her father started out his movie career with Mani Ratnam’s debut film “Pallavi Anu Pallavi” in Kannada. If everything falls in place, Sonam will step into the shoes of Sonakshi for the Tamil Dabangg.
By the way, her father started out his movie career with Mani Ratnam’s debut film “Pallavi Anu Pallavi” in Kannada. If everything falls in place, Sonam will step into the shoes of Sonakshi for the Tamil Dabangg.
South Indian actress Kajal Aggarwal was also being considered for the role, but Simbu insisted that Sonam be cast in the film.
Sonam is giving it a sober thought as South Indian films equal more money and fame. She is yet to sign the contract for the film.
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