Pooja Bhatt made an appearance after a long time to support and wish luck to her long time journalist friend, S. Ramachandran who has now turned into a producer. The movie is titled 'Imaandaari Ki Maa Ki Aankh' and the 'mahurat' took place in a popular lounge in suburban Mumbai where Pooja Bhatt also gave the 'mahurat' clap. "The title of the film itself is so appealing that one automatically gets curious to know what the film will be about. I certainly wish the entire team of the film and hope they make a good film," tells Pooja.
Pooja recalled that S. Ramachandran was present when she made her debut in Bollywood 24 years back with 'Daddy' and now she was there to support him when his production house Sanskriti Media And Entertainment is producing the film.
'Imaandaari Ki Maa Ki Aankh' is a movie based on the SRA Scam (Slum Rehabilitation Authority) and has famous character artistes such as Omkar Nath Manikpuri aka Natha of 'Peepli [Live]', Hiten Tejwani, Rajesh Vivek, Gopal Singh, Mukesh Bhatt, Viju Khote, Usha Jaadhav, Shalini Pandey, Roopa Ganguly and more.
Rashid S. Khan will be directing the film, while Muddasir Ali will make his Bollywood debut as the music director. Irshad Khan of Black Stone Production is the co producer.
Pooja recalled that S. Ramachandran was present when she made her debut in Bollywood 24 years back with 'Daddy' and now she was there to support him when his production house Sanskriti Media And Entertainment is producing the film.
'Imaandaari Ki Maa Ki Aankh' is a movie based on the SRA Scam (Slum Rehabilitation Authority) and has famous character artistes such as Omkar Nath Manikpuri aka Natha of 'Peepli [Live]', Hiten Tejwani, Rajesh Vivek, Gopal Singh, Mukesh Bhatt, Viju Khote, Usha Jaadhav, Shalini Pandey, Roopa Ganguly and more.
Rashid S. Khan will be directing the film, while Muddasir Ali will make his Bollywood debut as the music director. Irshad Khan of Black Stone Production is the co producer.
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