Director Shirish Kunder’s film Joker starring Akshay Kumar and Sonakshi Sinha in the lead, posted a few stills from his upcoming 3D Sci-Fi drama. This has been a dream project for Shirish who is the co-producer of the film too. The film also has Shreyas Talpade and Minissha Lamba in a supporting role.
Kunder has been generous in providing updates on his movie over Twitter.
Joker started out as a superhero film but has now developed into a “human drama” according to director Shirish Kunder, who describes the movie as a “tale of underdogs fighting for victory, treated throughout with kick-ass humor and some sci-fi.”
According to Kunder, Akshay will be seen in two different looks in the movie. “One is the local look in which he will be sporting a typical Indian dhoti etc…, the other a western look in causal cool attires.”
Talking for a short time about Joker, Akshay had earlier told “The story moves from a village to NASA and well after that there’s some suspense involved.”
The movie has whacko characters too, tells Shirish Kunder.
“Sanjay Mishra plays a whacko who is in a time warp, and still believes he is a King. Vindu Dara Singh plays a whacked out Big Moose kinda character called “Sundi.”
From the first look it appears that Akshay and Sonakshi play a village duo. Shreyas Talpade plays Akshay’s younger brother. Minissha Lamba plays Talpade’s love interest, a TV reporter.
The movie sounds fun…
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