Bollywood actress Yuvika Chaudhary, who appeared in films like, Om Shanti Om, Summer 2007 and Toh Baat Pakki, was being harassed by a pimp who was based in Delhi . According to the actress, he regularly called her up and even texted her with vulgar messages. If news are to be believed then the pimp named, John made fake profile in her name and even sent lewd messages to people in that fake account. However the pimp has been arrested for his wrong doings.
According to Yuvika, she did not know who he was and what his motives were. The actress was very disturbed by such an act and has hardly been responding to unknown numbers and texts. Yuvika Chaudhary participated in Zee Cine Stars Ki Khoj in the year 2004 and won the completion. However her run in the Bollywood industry has not been that good and has done just a few films till now. Apart from doing a few movies, Yuvika was even featured in a Coke commercial opposite Kunal Kapoor. Her first appearance as a lead actress was in the film, Naughty@ 40 alongside comedy actor Govinda. If rumours are to be believed then Yuvika was dating Pakistani singer Shafqat Amanat Ali Khan sometime back.
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