The international Khiladi of Bollywood, Akshay Kumar who is busy shooting for his forthcoming movie, ‘Dirty Dancer’, paid a visit to one of the most famous temples in India , the Ambaji Temple , along with his son Aarav and mom-in-law, Dimple Kapadia. Akshay Kumar got enthralled by the ambience inside the temple and as a result he is planning to make a movie on goddess Amba.
According to him whatever he got in life, he has got it all because of deity Amba’s blessings. The superstar wanted to make a visit to the temple from a very long time but due to his busy timings he could not make it there. Akshay is a true believer of goddess Amba and always looks up to her for her blessings. As per him, he would like to pay his gratitude to the goddess by making a movie on her.
Akshay has been all pumped up with his next film ‘Dirty Dancer’, which is a portrayal on the life of south superstar actress, Silk Smitha. Akshay plays one of the leads in movie opposite to Vidya Balan, who will be donning the character of the late actress. We really hope with goddess Amba’s blessings he does really well with his forthcoming film.
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