Salman Khan is in no mood to help with the Bachchan family. Salman has actually declined to promote Amitabh Bachchan’s film ‘Bbuddha Hoga Tera Baap’ during the screening of his movie Ready. Salman Khan’s Ready has already been released and the producers are competing against each other to gain their own space to promote their movie with it. The movies which were competing to get their space were Singham, Chillar Party, Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara, Ghayal Returns, Delhi Belly, Buddha Hoga Tera Baap, Double Dhamaal and Murder 2. All in total there were 8 movies. There were just 4 films which went on screen during the show started.
They were Delhi Belly, Ghayal Returns, Singham and Chillar Party. According to close sources, Amitabh Bachchan wanted to promote his upcoming film during the film but when Salman did not wish to give him any space for the movie and on hearing this he refused utterly. The film Ready is being directed by Bhushan Kumar and stars Salman Khan, Asin Thottukomal, Manoj Joshi, Manoj Pahwa, Arya Babbar, Puneet Issar, Paresh Rawal, Sudesh Lahiri, Mahesh Manjrekar, Anuradha Patel, Akhilendra Mishra and Sharat Saxena. The movie is about a happy go-lucky rich guy Prem who helps lovers in distress. He mistakenly helps a girl Sanjana who has run away from her marriage and later falls for her. The film revolves around how he unites both the families of the girl and himself.
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