Friday 23 September 2011

The Nawab and the Kashmir Ki Kali - a love story ends!

India's cricket legend Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi, Sharmila Tagore

India's cricket legend Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi, Sharmila Tagore

India's cricket legend Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi, Sharmila Tagore

India's cricket legend Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi, Sharmila Tagore

India's cricket legend Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi, Sharmila Tagore

Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi's death Thursday brought to an end an enduring romance between a Nawab and a bollywood queen. When Sharmila Tagore tied the knot with the former royal 42 years ago, it was not only a marriage of cricket and cinema, but also one that broke many stereotypes.

He was a Nawab from a well-known Muslim family and she was a Hindu who belonged to the well-known Tagore family. As she was to confess many times in later years, Pataudi, generally known as Tiger, proved to be an remarkably liberal companion.

Be it her wearing a bikini in 'An Evening In Paris' in 1967, when they were courting, or taking up glamorous roles after wedding in 1969 and later motherhood - he always stood by her, always the ideal partner.

She previously told in an interview, 'I haven't given up anything (after marrying Tiger). He is very liberal in his views. I've gained a lot of experience and gained another culture, cuisine, and way of dressing. I've benefited a lot.'

Their marriage was not expected to last - she transformed, becoming Ayesha Sultana - but they proved pessimists wrong.

She once said a journalist, 'If Tiger and I make attempts to promote harmony, I do not know how far we will succeed. People will say that I am not a Muslim and that Tiger is a Hindu fanatic.'

The couple had three children - Saif, Saba and Soha - but Tiger never stopped her from carrying on in films. In fact, she gave most of her hits after wedding and motherhood.

Many years down the line, when he was detained for poaching, the actress stood by her husband like a rock.

Death may have snatched away the man from the woman, but like an advertisement they did together, in popular imagination - Pataudi and Sharmila will live on together.

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