Wednesday 17 August 2011

Film Aarakshan Review

Movie Review: Aarakshan;
Star cast: Amitabh Bachchan, Saif Ali Khan, Deepika Padukone, Prateik, Manoj Bajpayee etc.
Directed by: Prakash Jha

After big hullabaloo in country regarding Prakash Jha's latest release Aarakshan, this time Jha is unable to forward his issue based films legacy with confident in this film. This time though, Jha has outdone himself, setting off protests and bans around the country by touching upon the 'touchy' issue of reservations and affirmative action in India's public arenas, like colleges and politics. Alas, a viewing of the movie reveals that while Aarakshan may take its title from the issue, but it’s nothing more for reservation related issue.

The title notwithstanding with the film, Aarakshan is not a film about reservations. Though caste-based policies and politics are issues that demand serious examination in every sense, Jha is satisfied in relatively glossing over the subject, instead using it is as something of a catalyst in the clash between his film's two central characters, Dr Prabhakar Anand (Amitabh Bachchan) and Mithilesh Singh (Manoj Bajpai). While Anand is the ideal, legendary principal of one of the country's top colleges, Singh is a reprobate lecturer in the same institution, always at odds with Anand's values. Amongst Anand's students are Deepak Kumar (Saif Ali Khan) and Sushant Seth (Prateik Babbar), best friends and at opposite sides of the social spectrum, with Kumar being a dalit student, who has been the college topper, while Sushant is the son of one of the college's trustees. When a Supreme Court order reaffirms reservation in colleges for backward classes, the issue splits the college down the middle, with people on both sides of the affirmative action fence. In the midst of this, Singh sees an opportunity to displace Anand at the helm of affairs, and milch the education system through his KK coaching classes, where he charges exorbitant fees to teach the same students he's supposed to mentor at college, something that the idealistic Prabhakar Anand, who has always believed in education for all, rebels against by teaching deserving students for free.

Though one may be dissatisfied by the truth that Jha doesn't truly deal with the subject of reservations in the film, that is not to say that the film isn't a watchable. Indeed, with two powerhouse actors in Bachchan and Bajpai in central roles, Aarakshan does pack a punch. However, more than reservations, Jha's obsession in the film is clearly the commercialization of the country's education system, through the sort of coaching classes setup that people like Mithilesh Singh espouse, something that definitely deserves some introspection. The sort of solution that Jha promotes in the movie, with free education for all, also hits at the roots of doing away with the need for confirmatory action altogether. In that sense, Aarakshan is unquestionably a success for Prakash Jha.

However, the film's strong point come in its characters too, namely, those of Bachchan and Bajpai. Bachchan is sparkling as ever as Anand, channeling palpable emotions in his role as the stern, yet caring principal of the college, a role that seems to have been written just for him. Bajpai's character, on the other hand, does seem a bit caricaturist at times, seemingly composed of pure evil. Still, as one of the best actors of this generation, Manoj brings a level of belief to Mithilesh Singh that a lesser performer simply couldn't manage.

Deepika's role, as Poorbi, Anand's daughter, is a bit needless, since she doesn't really play a part in the film's narrative. However, the actress does a splendid job of it anyway. Tanvi Azmi is also quite excellent in her role as Bachchan's wife and pillar of strength. Prateik Babbar, as Sushant, is perhaps the film's biggest displeasure, simply not capable to carry off the intensity of his serious scenes, and looking in dire need of better direction. The actor, who impressed in movies like Dhobi Ghat before this, is the definition of unimpressive here. Hema Malini's cameo is something of a savior, though it is a very, very short role, she impresses, especially with her different look.

Though Prakash Jha perhaps seems to be offering up a solution to the problems of communal unfairness through the education-for-all model he takes up in the film.

Overall, it is worthy to watch once for seeing Big B and others power-packed performances. Not go with much expectations regarding solving reservation problem in the film.

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