Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Mallika shares podium with US President Barack Obama in White House!

It's Sherawat welcome time. Once more, that is. For starters, when she announced her plans to turn to Hollywood, she was met with sniggers. Mallika Sherawat handled that and what's better, she also showed up at the Oscars! If that had stopped short of stunning her critics, Mallika went a step ahead and met up with the US President Barack Obama.

Notch one more ace for Mallika. The stubborn star pulled a bigger surprise by meeting Obama at the White House Correspondent dinner. A source close to the actress states that she "was floored by Obama's modesty."

A source added, "Mallika was taken aback at the amount of security that was arranged for the event. She was very thrilled to meet Obama again … he was seated with other dignitaries on the podium, but he spoke to her from there itself. They even cracked a few jokes."

Sherawat, looking every inch a siren in her Shahab Durazi creation struck fancy poses even as lensmen turned click crazy. Seemingly, Sherawat is touring the US and the White House in a promotional bid for her upcoming film Politics of Love, revolved around an Obama supporter ( Sherawat) falling head over heels in love with an Republican Supporter (Brian White).

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